Day Trading for a Living
Do you want to learn how to analyze the current bear market, using stock markets and other trading techniques to trade while managing money well? If so, keep reading.The goal of every trader is to educate themselves on how to become a better investor. As a trader, you want to make sure that you move beyond basic beginner experience levels and into levels that are more likely to guarantee more massive profits, while also helping you feel more confident in your trades. However, hes also learning to follow expert advice and apply it to help you feel completely confident about what youre doing.At the beginning of 2020 we had to face a very challenging situation, one of the most unprecedented pandemics in the history of mankind: it was supposed to be the year in which we all had so many celebrations to do, we earned big money, traveled the world, made investments of quality and appreciated those investments you earn and finally we have put our lives together. The stock market and the world economy took a hit this year due to the effects of the Coronavirus on companies that had to work remotely or had to close their doors to flatten the curve and decrease the spread of the viral infection.In day trading, your mindset will control your reactions to different trades, lost trades, and big profits. A disciplined and strong minded trader will never let emotions interfere with his decisions regarding the stock market.If this sounds difficult for you, dont worry as it should seem difficult for any beginner. You have to give yourself time to achieve the success you are waiting for. Like any occupation, day trading requires skill, knowledge and dedication. If you enter the market without the proper tools or education, you may be in for an unwelcome surprise.This book covers the following topics:• Money management• Technical analysis• Psychological analysis• Tips for Stock Market Success• Bull market versus bear market• What are the factors that characterize the arrival of a bea
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