Daydreaming, A Baseball Story
For those who truly love the game, there is no beginning player, or former player, there are only players. Daydreaming, A Baseball Story is for everyone who loves the game, be they younger players who are crossing the white lines for the first time, or those of us that know we will not cross them again as an active player, but in our minds we are still capable of making a play or getting a key hit. It is a story that begins and ends in an older player’s head as he gets the opportunity to spend one more moment in the sun through the actions and dreams of two younger players. In watching their joy at being able to play such a perfect game there is the chance to once again feel the pop of a great pitch into your mitt, and the thrill of throwing that fastball by a great hitter. I hope as you read it, either to yourself or to someone special, you will find yourself as I did, being transported to a special diamond of your dreams.
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