     In this collection of everyday surrealistic poems, stories, and drawings, Enza Marie explores the spaces between self and other, future and past, outward and inward. Deep Low Bow: Poems & Stories of Impermanence & Love was created within this balance, and speaks to the gentle romantic in us, all the while delving into the slippery shadows of separation, mystery, nostalgia, and energy…brilliant, connected, divine.     This is a slender, beautiful book, richly illustrated with line drawings both spacious and complex. The imagery staying both close to home and traveling new worlds. One of our advance readers calls it “a light; the most beautiful thing I have read in a long, long time, with so much nutritive value. This is a book I would give to my best friend to read before sleep.”     In opening Deep Low Bow, to any page, the reader is invited to reflect upon the magic at their own front door...the transformative power of all that’s left behind.
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