Derrick Must Die
Adam and Tony were your average ten-year-olds in the unremarkable town of Tweedsmuir, heading toward a meaningless life soon to be forgotten. That is, until they met their new classmate, the near-mythical Derrick Pensworth.Weak, pathetic, sickly and forever puffing on a cigarette, Derrick looked to be on the verge of death. It amused no one more than Adam and Tony, who concocted a childhood bet—signed in blood—with a million dollars paid to the one who could guess the age at which Derrick finally drops dead.Twenty-two years later, Tony inherits his dad’s masonry business, officially making him a millionaire. Suddenly, that childhood bet becomes the most valuable piece of paper in all of Tweedsmuir, but the location and status of Derrick remain unknown.A wild road trip through nostalgia and regret, Adam and Tony’s manhunt for the man whose life decides the fate of a fortune makes one thing clear: Derrick must die.
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