This anthology could just have easily have been titled “Murder Takes a Vacation”, for within it we present sixteen tales of mystery, murder, and crime set in popular vacation destinations. We hope these stories will conjure memories of a familiar locale for some of our readers, and perhaps for others, a desire to visit—whether in spite of, or because of, this anthology, we shall leave to them. Featured in this book are:<br><ul><li>Jake Bates</li><li>Wenda Morrone</li><li>Rosmary McCracken</li><li>JoAnne Lucas</li><li>Vinnie Hansen</li><li>Charlene D'Avanzo</li><li>Su Kopil</il><li>Dennis Palumbo</li><li>Caroline Taylor</li><li>Brenda Seabrooke</li><li>John Hegenberger</li><li>Margaret S. Hamilton</li><li>Michael Terlecki</li><li>Warren Bull</li><li>Bern Sy Moss</li><li>Herschel Cozine</li></ul>
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