Diabetes, I Aint Having It!
Diabetes, I Ain’t Having It! presents a unique lifestyle regime for those affected by type 2 diabetes. Its suggestions offer substantial health gains for those who want to live their optimal health right now and become “Diabeaters.” A Diabeater is someone who has diabetes living with them, who refuses to let it control their life, and who is proactive about maintaining their best possible physical and emotional health. Diabetes, I Ain’t Having It! highlights effective diabetic healthcare options, encourages greater health independence, and sets out a full range of useful and simple-to-do tips and exercises. The easy-to-read interactive chapters allow for immediate progress. Each chapter is about doing: The Diabeaters’ Mindset provides the mental preparation for kick-starting the Diabeaters’ healthier approach to diabetes and life. Recognizing the Symptoms suggests natural solutions for the A–Z of diabetic symptoms presented. A Soupçon of Sabotage focuses on lifestyle activities that help prevent the temptation of diabetic self-sabotage. The Diabeaters’ Activity Charts allow for easy monitoring of daily progress and help achieve self-directed goals. The Diabeaters’ Anchor/Trigger Combos offer ways to create feel-good activities to ensure healthy choices are taken where unhealthy options prevail. Finally, the Diabeaters’ Ten Factor keeps Diabeaters moving forward in health while the A–Z of Diabeaters’ Dailies gives concise solutions to keeping the effects of diabetes at bay. Join us in a healthier life and start diabeating today.
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