Divine Reflections in Natural Phenomena
The Divine is understood by religious traditions to be transcendent, immanent and personal. Various faiths may emphasise one of these aspects over the others. In the East, for example in India, religion is largely a matter of direct experience and a sense of the sacred is everywhere. In the West, by contrast, correct teachings and beliefs have often been the point of focus. Few would question the importance of sound teachings. Nevertheless, God is far outside of our realm of perception and comprehension, and therefore human language becomes limited in accurately formulating concepts about the Divine. While groups differ in how they see the Ultimate Reality, no one can know fully in this life – we all understand partially at best.The Bible includes both doctrinal teachings and references to direct experiences with God. They are presented from individual perspectives of the writers  and editors of the Scriptures. From the texts we can deduce that a close, experiential relationship with the Divine is possible. Examples include King David, Abraham, Job, Enoch and Noah walked with God.  We are all children of God, each with a special and individual relationship to our Father / Mother (since God is genderless and has both male and female qualities).This book (the second of a trilogy) suggests that the Divine can be experienced all around us – that indeed everything is sacred and as such teaches us about and brings us closer to God.  In other words, the immanent aspect of the Divine pervades all things, enabling us to catch glimpses of the transcendent reality. Increased consciousness of the Creator in the seemingly ordinary and mundane will help us appreciate divine qualities in the creation. Furthermore, it will awaken our own creative potential, since we are, at soul level, made in the divine image and therefore co-workers and co-creators with God!            For centuries, na
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