Divorcing a Narcissist and Co-Parenting
Are you looking for a guide that will help you overcome a divorce from a narcissist? Are you divorcing a narcissist and getting ready to do mediation with him or her?Are you trying to co-parent with a toxic ex or narcissist?If this sounds familiar with you, then keep reading!    Divorcing a narcissist can be the ultimate challenge because they fight dirty. Narcissists are sneaky and play tricks during a divorce. A normal divorce is complicated, but when divorcing a narcissist when you have children is a thousand percent more complicated.If you are raising kids with a narcissist or other manipulator, surely you have had some exasperating experiences with them where they used your kids as pawns to hurt or control you. In fact, when you are divorcing a covert narcissist they will utilize passive-aggressive techniques to manipulate your children against you. They are so subtle in their manipulation that the majority of the time your children will not even realize what is happening. Co-parenting with a narcissist is practically impossible, but there are things you can do and consider as a result of having to divorce and then co-parent with a narcissist.But no panic! I am here to help you!Thanks to this guide, you are knowing what kinds of tricks narcissists play in divorce and what to do to be prepared for it. This book has divided into two parts:1- Divorcing a Narcissist2- Co-Parenting with a Narcissist or other toxic exIn the first part, I am going to help you to understand what narcissism is, how to recognize a toxic relationship, how to manage a divorce from narcissist and how to overcome and heal from a divorce.Here you will find out:- What narcissism is- The origins of narcissism- The causes and how to recognize them in a marriage- How to save yourself from narcissist relationships by not losing yourself- 8 tips on how to manage a divorce from a narcissist- How to choose the right lawyer when divorcing a narcissist- How to escape
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