Do More Good. Better.
If youre an executive director, board member, leader, staff member, or even a volunteer in a nonprofit, youve chosen this path because you want to make the world better. Yet the majority who work in nonprofits often feel like theyre running in place, frustrated because they dont have a blueprint for working more efficiently with their colleagues. The source of this dissatisfaction is often rooted in two crucial issues that affect the proficient operations of nearly all nonprofits: dysfunctional and ambiguous views regarding who has power and who makes decisions.Even when these responsibilities are somewhat clear, decision-making unrest is common, resulting in confusion, stymied leaders, and disempowered staff. If this has been your experience, Do More Good. Better. is a powerful, easy-to-implement solution to fix this dysfunction. With simple steps and insightful activities that address the underlying roles that fear, conflict, and confusion play in your organizations decision-making ecosystem, the book provides you with the tools to promote a straightforward, consistent, non-threatening way to advocate for power and decision-making that is feasible and makes sense, effecting a positive transformation in all members of your nonprofit.If youre ready to say goodbye to persistent overwhelm and the sense that youre never doing enough-without hiring more people or spending more money-this book offers you the framework to help you harness the full potential of your team, love your job more, and use your existing human and financial resources more effectively to do more good ... better.
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