Dogs And Puppies Coloring Book For Kids
<p><strong>DOG &amp; PUPPY COLORING BOOK FOR KIDS</strong></p><p>THE PERFECT BOOK FOR GIRLS, BOYS, AND KIDS WHO LOVE DOG &amp; PUPPY.</p><p>This coloring book for kids contains DOG &amp; PUPPY-Themed:</p><ul><li>Coloring 30 pages puppies and dogs.</li><li>Large size: 8.5 inches By 11 Inches, Glossy Cute Cover.</li><li>Make a great gift idea for kids, teens, family, friends, students on any occasion.</li></ul><p>This coloring book is full of adorable&nbsp;<strong>DOGS AND PUPPIES</strong>. Delight your child with hours of cute coloring,</p><p>The little ones will relax by coloring the beautiful breeds of dogs. For all skill levels.<br />Each coloring page is printed on a separate page to avoid bleed-through.<br />Gift ideas for holidays such as&nbsp;<strong>Birthday, Childrens Day, Christmas...</strong></p>
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