Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Qualitas Classics)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, originally titled Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, is an 1886 novel written by Robert Louis Stevenson. The story revolves around a London lawyer, Gabriel John Utterson, who investigates strange incidents between his old friend, Dr Henry Jekyll, and the misanthropic Edward Hyde. The novel is commonly associated with the rare mental condition casually referred to as split or dual personality-where the same person has both good and an evil personalities, quite distinct from each other. A timeless classic, it has entered common parlance as people refer to Jekyll and Hyde to describe a person with a dramatically different moral character from one situation to the next. This publication of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is part of the Qualitas Classics Fireside Series, where pure, ageless classics are presented in clean, easy to read reprints. For a complete list of titles, see: http://www.libraryoftheclassics.com
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