 Let’s get this straight from the beginning—there will be absolutely no kissing in this book! There’s nothing I hate more than a big, wet smooch smack in the middle of a great story. Oh yea, and the good guys - me and my brother Razzamatazz - win. In fact, we kick some serious bad guy butt. We find Sir Francis Drake’s treasure and restore our family’s good name by proving that Drake’s Plate is not a fake.    Now, I’m not saying it was easy. Along the way we had to hide from the cops in a secret hideaway, race a meter maid trike up Mount Tam, ride a Gravity Train down it, zoom through a rock water slide, sail twenty five miles to the islands known as Devil’s Teeth, out-smart a giant great white shark and … get our homework done. Not a bad days work if I do say so myself!    Sail along with my great great great great great great …..etc…. grandfather, the infamous pirate Sir Francis Drake, on his swashbuckling adventures around the globe. Decide for yourself, is Drake’s Plate authentic… or a hoax? The story begins over four hundred and fifty years ago when Drake enters Queen Elizabeths’s throne room. Let’s join them, shall we?NO KISSING, I promise! 
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