Draw Your Own Encyclopaedia Our Solar System - Classroom Edition
This book is part of the Draw Your Own Encyclopaedia series of factual books for children aged six to twelve. It provides interesting introductions to a variety of different features of our solar system. This classroom edition is aimed at teachers and other educators (rather than at individual children, as is the case for the individual edition). It contains:1. Eleven double-page spreads which explore a range of topics about our solar system that can be photocopied to create handouts for use in the classroom or as homework assignments. Each one contains an introductory question, a paragraph that explores its topic, questions to test your students comprehension of the contents of this paragraph, quick facts to provide additional information, and space for the student to add their own illustration for this topic.2. A blank Draw Your Own Encyclopaedia double-page spread which you can photocopy and hand out to your students to allow them to create their own custom encyclopaedia entry based on a topic related to our solar system of their (or your) choice.3. Two handouts which you can use to introduce mathematics into your lessons about our solar system. The first allows your students to calculate the weight of a two-pint bottle of milk on different planets, while the second allows them to calculate their age based on the length of a year on each planet.4. A sixteen-question pop quiz that you can use to test your students knowledge about our solar system. All the information needed to answer these questions is contained in the eleven double-page spreads from this book.5. Links to additional background information about the solar system which you can use to increase your own knowledge of this subject.6. Links to free online content, such as videos, related to the topics covered in this book that you can show to your students.Ideas for four interactive and fun additional classroom activities.7. Data sheets detailing and comparing key characteristics of the differe
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