Earth Hollow
Are all Planets fl exile like floating bubbles, or celestial kites. Or, as rigid lead weights gratuitously suspended from the Heavens? Do they bounce off each other real easy being buffered by their atmospheres, or do they hopelessly shatter, if upon clashing? Can all this be asked of the Stars and Black Holes? If within each Planet there is suspended an inner little sun, is there and can there be enjoyment of conscious, sustainable and comfortable life inside these celestial ornaments? In general, is all ethereal space between the Planets and Stars within the celestial sphere empty or loaded with capacitances of energy? Does the Earths changing shape, size, temperature and orbital path cause Mans very standard measures of time, space and temperature as well to fluctuate advantageously and disadvantageously? How does global warming actually relate, who loses, who wins? Can there possibly be established a firm calendar for Mans needs, based on a combination of intermeshing heavenly cycles? Would Earth Hollow possibly help point to a solution on UFOs and interplanetary travel?
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