Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon
Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon is a unique addition to Jules Vernes beloved adventure series, Voyages Extraordinaire, as it is among the few Verne novels that does not include elements of science fiction. Instead, Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon combines the adventure genre with a murder mystery. After being falsely accused of a crime, Joam Garral was forced to flee Brazil. Now, many years later, he is living on a thriving Peruvian plantation with his family. However, when his daughter is set to marry a Brazilian army surgeon named Manuel Valdez, the couple decide to have their wedding in Brazil, so that Manuels mother, who cannot travel, is able to attend the wedding. Nervous about returning to his home country, but absolutely dedicated to supporting his daughter, Joam decides to make the journey to Brazil, and aims to restore his reputation while he is there. With this is mind, the Garral family start their journey, riding down the Amazon River on a giant raft. This journey alone proves to be difficult, as the family must prevail over the dangers of the river. Finally, when they arrive in Brazil, they meet a shady man named Torres, who has an encrypted letter that would clear Joams name. However, as Torres tries to extort them, the Garral family must find a way to obtain and decode this letter before Joam is executed. Set in the 19th century, Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon by Jules Verne contains excellent detail that brings its vibrant setting to life. With this vivid scenery and close attention to detail, modern readers are given privileged information on the natural history of the Amazon River, along with a perspective on South American culture and customs. With a dramatic narrative, suspense, and plot twists, Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon is a thrilling and mysterious adventure that keeps readers engaged and captivated. This edition of Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon by Jules Verne features a new, eye-catching cover design and is pr
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