Enjoy Greater Results with Less Effort
This book is a brand-new work based on Buds first book, but updated and even more relevant to today and its future readers. Bud states, Along my lifes journey I have learned the importance of taking the responsibility and initiative to make better life choices, to build a better me, and build a better you. These choices have produced increased enjoyment for me along the way.The Statue of Liberty represents so much of what is good about our country. But liberty without responsibility leads to a society of chaos and stress. A Statue of Responsibility should be built as well, so that all could be reminded of the importance of how liberty and responsibility go hand in hand.I hope you value reading Enjoy Greater Results with Less Effort. The core idea is that no one makes choices for us. Life presents us with choices that we must make every day, to improve all aspects of our lives. My entire life I have chosen to take delight and pleasure in all that I did, which in turn I got a benefit that I have enjoyed every stage of life. I wouldnt necessarily say I would want to go back, but I have enjoyed and look back with fondness on all my stages in life.
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