Equiyoga Yogic Horse Riding
The author, Ann Boudart, cumulates years of experience in yoga and in horse riding as she started to ride at the age of five. It is only but natural she fuses both disciplines whatever the circumstances, when grooming the horses, when giving lessons. The highest purpose of yoga is to reach samadhi, or state of deep meditation, a state which is attained when the meditator has completely melted in their object of meditation. For Ann, samadhi was first consciously reached when riding Orixa, a Lusitanian stallion. Since then she achieves samadhi when she is with horses and people. In her book, she gives you hints and postures to reach this goal. She describes how equiyoga can help riders and non-riders to reach fullmindness. EquiYoga differs from other books on this topic as Ann is the first yogini to comment the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the bible of yoga, from a horse rider point of view. It is a way to show everyone can apply the sutras in their daily life, whatever their background, their profession, their sport, their familys environment.You can also find how yoga can help when you take care of your horse, when you ride it!Fathom the myth of the centaur by taking EquiYoga into your life!
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