Experience Job Satisfaction
You Want This Book If...You feel stuck in your current job and want to proactively make achange.You want to stop being a victim to your boss.You are a job seeker and cant seem to step across the threshold intothe interview.You are considering a job change to a virtual company and want tobetter understand how it works.You seem to always be behind and often feel overwhelmed.You feel you have lost control of your career and want to feel thatexcited feeling again.You have found yourself back in the job market for the first time inover 10 years and have no idea what to do first.You want to remain current regarding career issues.You are a leader in your organization and recently looked behindyou to find nobody is following.You are a leader and have compromised your basic principals due topressure.You think you may have a Work Spouse and have no idea howto get out of it.You work with someone who has a Work Spouse and it isdriving you crazy.Teri Aulph is the principal consultant at Teri Aulph Consulting, LLC focusing on where people and business intersect. With over 15 years of global HR experience at the executive level in Fortune 500 companies in various industries, Teri brings strategic focus and deep expertise in developing innovative people processes. Teri writes for the Examiner and The National Networker.http://www.teriaulph.comThis book is written to assist job seekers and people wanting to re-charge their careers.
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