Faith and Freedom Summit Launch event photobook (pb)
This paperback photobook that contains a moment by moment view of the Faith and Freedom Summit: Practicing what we Preach in Europe with relevant quotes of the different participants.This a non-partisan canpaign and summit that brought together leaders from the various fields of politics, government, academia, activism and the non-for-profit sector from across Europe and beyond. Its purpose is to propose and develop initiatives that push forward the cause for Freedom of Religion or Belief in Europe. The Faith and Freedom Summit is particularly timely and relevant as in 2018 the world celebrates the 70th Anniversary of the United Nations Universal Declaration on Human Rights.The impressive list of speakers and panellists made it maybe the most important event on Freedom of Religion that happened in Brussels since decades. The list included:Dr. Ahmed Shaheed, U.N. Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief, Mr. Jan Figel, EU Special Envoy for the promotion of freedom of religion or belief outside the European Union, Dr. Salvatore Martinez, Rep of the Italian presidency at OSCE for Freedom of Religion, Amjad Bashir MEP, Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, European Parliament; Sam Brownback, U.S. Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom; Congressman Bob McEwen, Former Member, American Delegation to the European Parliament; Bashy Quraishy, Secretary General of EMISCO (European Muslim Initiative for Social Cohesion); Ivan Espinosa de los Monteros, Director of International Affairs for VOX (Spanish political party); Dr. Eli Nacht, Official Representative of International Committee of Human Rights in Israel; Patricia Duval, Human Rights Attorney; Willy Fautre, Director of Human Rights Without Frontiers International; Dr Aaron Rhodes, President of the Forum for Religious Freedom-Europe; Professor Marco Ventura, Professor of Law & Religion at University o
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