Meet Peter and Mary Faust: misfit siblings sharing an attic apartment and giving every appearance of being typical 20-somethings, wishing to pay rent, make friends, and lead quiet lives. What makes these seemingly simple tasks somewhat less simple is that Peter and Mary are not technically alive.Somewhere in their semi-distant past, they, like Dr. Faust before them, traded their eternity in good standing with the Heavenly Highest to become immortal. They are vampires trying to survive in the modern world. And they hate it. Turning vampire did not simplify their "lives" the way they thought it would, and now, these (as far as they know) last members of The Family Faust are doing what everyone does when he (or she) has screwed up big time... They keep going, seeking shelter, food, friends, and maybe even redemption along their sassy, sarcastic ways.Faust Forward is the graphic novel that chronicles the day-to-day happenings in the "lives" of Peter and Mary Faust as well as their encounters with werewolves, zombies, dragons, gorgons, slayers, and perhaps spookiest of all, the human race. 3 out of 4 vampires agree, " 'Bats' Entertainment."  The head of the publishing house is so confident in this book's potential to tickle the funny bone(s) of its readers that she has been known to issue this challenge: "Get 5 pages in without smiling, and the book is free." She has yet give away a single copy.
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