Money, money, money. Money plays a vital role in all aspects of our lives. In fact, the worst thing that can happen to you as a newly married couple is to find yourself without much money after the wedding and especially within the first year or two in the marriage. Probably loans may have been contracted from the bank, friends, and relatives for the wedding and had to be paid back. The above scenario is not uncommon. These are realities that happen to so many young couples for several reasons. If money was borrowed, then debts need to be repaid after the wedding.Research shows that finance generates frequent arguments which later lead to problems in marriages than any other topic. This seems to be the case because people have a personal attachment to money. They work and work hard on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Money is thus a symbol of their hard work and sweat. Many people also see it as a symbol of their self-worth, and, therefore, would protect it with their lives.Does money have an influence on our love lives? If you are newly married, and you are reading this information, we would sincerely encourage you to take your financial issues seriously. Before you finish reading this introduction, we would add that if you act responsibly about your finances, you are guaranteed a better marriage. This is because, there will be less argument, misunderstanding, and disagreements in the marriage and you would be able to build a sustainable marriage. With fewer arguments comes more time for intimacy, love, fulfilment, and sexual satisfaction.This book, Finance: ‘The Silent Battle For Newly Married Couples,’ is written to inform newly married couples about the importance of money management in their marriage. This is bread and butter issue of life that are often ignored or taken for granted by newly married couple in the marriage. When you lack information about finance as a couple, with time,  finance becomes a "little fox" that dig holes
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