Finding Light in Unexpected Places
We expect inspiration in sunsets, blooming flowers, and mountain-top views. And in turn we’ve come to not expect it elsewhere: in the tragic or mundane. This essay collection challenges this categorization of wonder, light, and beauty. Fourteen authors share their experiences of finding light in unexpected places. In a disaster, on a dreary morning commute. In squawking gulls, aging bodies, and seeing the way a friend signs his name. Wherever you are, whatever thoughts might be racing through your mind, light is available. It might be just around the corner.Table of ContentsIntroductionCANDLES IN THE SNOWKristin Procter, Snow and BonesMaria Jerinic, My Anti-VegasAlaina Isbouts, The First SnowAmanda Nevada DeMel, Ice Petal FlowersHIDDEN LIGHT IN FAMOUS EVENTSWorld Trade Center Attack, New York, 11 September 2001Erik Pihel, Toward LightMurder of James Foley, Raqqa, 19 August 2014Emily Skelding, Long Distance LossMexico City Earthquake, Mexico City, 19 September 2017Ligia de Wit, The Heart of the CityNorthern California Wildfires, Sonoma, 8 October 2017Fran Braga Meininger, As the World We Knew BurnedTHE WONDER OF THE ORDINARYToti O'Brien, Beautiful BonesMarcy Darin, Ode to an Expressway EgretLaura Valdez-Pagliaro, Two but Not TwoCeleste Snowber, Gull WomanWes Choc, Fore or Aft?UNTETHEREDBeth Rosenberg, Untethered
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