Fixing Church 7.0 gets people talking. Thinking differently about Church leads to exciting results. Fixing  Church starts at the beginning -- What did Jesus really say about Church? Why is his first message to a congregation all about blessing? How does my church bless me? Do I bless others when I spend my time in church? And most importantly, How can my congregation become Church with a capital C?Fixing Church's seven short chapters are geared towards getting people talking. Each session (designed for a one hour small group or class) has both questions and challenging discussion starters. Further resources and web links are also included. Pastors will find a sermon starter kit on Bill Kemp's website for help in tying the content into a seven week series. Topics covered are:    •    How to be a Blessing    •    How to make your Spiritual Life more enthusiastic    •    The joy of real Compassion and mission work    •    The nature of Fellowship (and how to fix it when it's broke)    •    What makes Worship inspiring? (It's not what people assume)    •    How to get back to our Biblical roots    •    (and finally) The eternal Soul of the Church.Fixing Church 7.0 is an appropriate study for Lent. It provides insight into why Jesus was so passionate about his Church that he died for her. It can also be used for leadership training and goal setting retreats. Like Bill Kemp's other books, it helps laity and clergy get back on the same page.It is required reading for anyone concerned about the direction that their church is drifting towards. Knowing the basics helps us change what needs changed and honor what remains for eternity
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