Folk Tales of Devon
Contents Include: The Parson and the Clerk The Surprising Hat Disbelieving Jane West Country May Day Carol The Lady Isabellas Ring The Fairy Ointment The Calling of Jan Coo The Tulip Pixies Lady Howards Coach Gran Partridges Pixie The Woodcutter and the Ploughman The Building of Guile Bridge The Dream of Crockern Tor The Changing Child Frankin and the Apple-Blossom The Evil Rider Widdecombe Fair The Legend of Brutus The Midsummer Rose The Twisty tree of Ide Vickeytoad Carew and Champernowne The Earl of Totnes Three Devon Ghosts A Lent Crocking The Pixie s new Suit The Musicians of Tavistock The Hunted Hare A Devon Courting The Witch of Tavistock Mathew the Miller The Treasure at the Pump The Weaver of Dean Combe Elfrida, the Kings Bride Buried Treasure The Cockoo By Bell, Book and Candel Thr Vanishing Castle Ghosts of the Moor and Sea The Washerwomens Surprise The Candel of Bridgergule How to Catch a Pixie The Bell of Ottery The Ringers of Torrington A Parcel of Old Tales Bronescombes Loaf and Cheese The Sain of the Pigs Twelfth Night Wassail
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