Forbidden Manipulation
Do you know what Forbidden Manipulation is?Do you want to know how to manipulate people? Manipulation is fundamentally the art of getting others to do exactly what you want them to not necessarily by paying attention to their desires or in extreme cases even harming them. It comprises a series of techniques such as charm, charisma, hypnotism, persuasion, trickery, coaxing, misinformation and much more.   The underlying objective of manipulation often is I need to trick people to lead them to give me precisely what I require or desire. However, not all forms of manipulation are bad. At times, they can be used positively to turn the game around and help you get what is rightfully yours or what youre being deprived. For instance, a stingy boss refuses to give you a promotion or pay raise thats been due for long. No forms of logical or meaningful persuasion work with him or her. In such circumstances, manipulation can be used in a positive manner to help you get what is rightfully yours.   Manipulation generally stems from a fundamental belief that your needs or desires are above everyone elses. You place yourself at the epicenter of the universe and believe everything revolves around your desires. It can be given a more positive twist when you realize that connect with other people and work towards aligning their desires with yours. In such a situation you will end up positively manipulating people into doing what is good for them and you. This way you are likely to end up on their side and theyll not feel like they are being fooled.   For instance if you think theres no one who can keep your date or partner happier than you, you try and align their desires with yours. You know you will keep them happy when they get married to you and vice-versa. There is a positive manipulation and persuasion, where he or she does not get the feeling that they are being tricked. You are in fact doing what is
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