Forks in the Road
"… His style of writing and converting real world situations into fiction is very impressive. As a former helicopter pilot and Vietnam Vet, I can honestly say it doesn't come across as fiction to me….—Chuck Crabb, Colonel, USAF, Retired   In this second book in the TEACHER, SOLDIER, SPY trilogy, FORKS IN THE ROAD, First Lieutenant Williams is a Vietnamese language interpreter assigned to the Special Forces Green Beret camp near the Cambodian border in South Vietnam. The camp is overwhelmed by enemy artillery fire. Blasted out of his bunk in a near-miss, the Lieutenant is thrown several feet and loses consciousness. To survive, he must slide the length of the slit trench which leads to a tree-line and temporary safety. One-hundred-fifty meters of sewage stand between him and the freedom to fight another day.“I crawled for what felt like a mile … into the dark underbrush. Finally, I collided with the twisted roots of a huge tree and buried myself in the damp leaves accumulated at the roots. This moment would alter the course of my life forever.” Follow Lieutenant Williams as he navigates the hazards of the war in Vietnam in 1965.This book is the second, in the Teacher, Soldier, Spy trilogy that chronicles two wars: Vietnam and the Russian Afghan War. The other two books in the trilogy are The Operative: Escape from Saudi Arabia and the Afghan Bear Trap, set in Russia. 
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