Fundamentals of Cosmic Particle Physics
The book is concerned with the problems of cosmoparticle physics - science dealing with the fundamental interactions of micro- and macroworld. The problems of reasons for cosmological expansion, the origin of baryon matter and existence in the universe of other non-baryon forms of matter, are discussed. The foundation of this science as an unavoidable stage of internal development and cosmology and also the physics of elementary particles, together with the main principles are only some of the topics discussed in the book. The physics of neutrino mass and its cosmological manifestations, the physical fundamentals of the existence and possibilities of astronomic search for the mirror and shadow matter, unstable massive neutrinos, invisible axions, and the domains of antimatter in the baryon-asymmetric universe, primary black holes, various stable and unstable particles of the hidden mass are just some of the problems of elements of cosmomicrophysical analysis analysis which should be studied when investigating the universe and physical lawas determining its origin, structure and evolution.
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