Geospatial Analysis
Geospatial Analysis (6th edition) provides a compehensive guide to concepts, methods and tools, with many examples being provided using a variety of software tools such as ArcGIS, Idrisi, Grass, Surfer and many others to clarify the concepts discussed. Topics covered in detail include:Geospatial analysis conceptsAnalytical methodologies and model buildingCore components of geospatial analysis, including distance and directional analysis, geometrical processing, map algebra, and grid modelsExploratory Spatial and Spatio-temporal Data Analysis (ESDA, ESTDA) and spatial statistics, including spatial autocorrelation and spatial regressionSurface analysis, including surface form and flow analysis, gridding and interpolation methods, and visibility analysisNetwork and locational analysis, including shortest path calculation, travelling salesman problems, facility location and arc routingGeocomputational methods, including agent-based modelling, artifical neural networks and evolutionary computingBig Data - lessons for researchers
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