Get Big GUNS™ (Get Ready To Grow)
Like it or not, there’s no escaping the fact that a set of large, muscular arms demand respect. They make you stand out in a crowd. Most of the time, your abs, legs, etc., are covered up, but if your arms are lacking, it’s there for all to see. In my experience however, many sincere and hard working people (gym rats and athletes alike) face endless frustration when it comes to adding even fractional amounts of girth to their biceps and triceps. The options are endless: three sets of ten…five sets of five….ascending sets…descending sets…pyramids…drop sets…super slow….explosive training…the more you read, the more confused you become! Even my Olympic and professional athletes find themselves so exasperated that often they’ll often just say “Ali, just tell me what to do—that’s all I want!” Well, look, it’s not your fault—I can relate with those who find themselves terminally confused as they attempt to wade their way through the miasma of (usually) conflicting theories and methods about working out. In fact, it was my own frustration with this confusion that eventually led to my own proprietary training system which we’ll be discussing in great detail in pages of this book. Eventually, what I came to appreciate is that what makes a program work (or not work) has less to do with the particulars and more to do with the governing principles. In other words, when you know the“why to do’s,” the “what to do’s” usually take care of themselves. I’ve been in the gym for 15 years, and I’ve watched countless numbers of hard-working, well-meaning people working out in vein, having absolutely no clue that they’ll never get anywhere with the antiquated, piss-poor methods they’re using. So I’m going to let you in on a little secret: The way of the herd is not and cannot be the path to extraordinary accomp
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