The SAD and HUMOROUS STORY of MAN since his CREATION out of the CENTRE. His encounter with the Tree of Knowledge. His identification with his body and his assumption that he is NAKED. His expulsion from the Garden of Eden. His continuous and accelerating degeneration. Killing his fellow animals for their skins to clothe his body and their flesh to feed it. Exploitation of their living bodies for his labour and amusement. Torturing them in his VIVISECTION laboratories. Enslavement of his fellow humans. Endless WARS and GENOCIDES. Pollution and poisoning of MOTHER EARTH.Persecution of enlightened well-wishers, like JESUS, who come offering SALVATION. The UBIQUITOUS EGO that slips in everywhere and prevents him from seeing the obvious – even the FOOD ON HIS PLATE. His conditioning of each new generation of INNOCENTS with FALSE EDUCATION and PSEUDO-RELIGIONS.And THE SOLUTION?How Man can reverse the direction of millions of years, fulfil his Destiny and REDISCOVER HIS TRUE IDENTITY in the CENTRE.
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