gobshite quarterly #31/32
Gobshite Quarterly Summer/Fall 2018, #31/32 features: Every Edge a Centre is an ongoing series of mythopoetic reasoned rants and essays: Nebraska novelist & O. Henry nominee Poe Ballantine looks back at a 1960s relationship with a legend in “Every Edge A Centre: Another zucchini bar, Ken?” (in Eng./Sp./Croat.); Adelaide-based poet & essayist Judith Steele writes about escaping the age of Trump, even in the Outback, in “Every Edge A Centre: Travelogue Monologue, Flinders Ranges, So. Oz.” (in Eng./Sp./Croatian); Germ. film scholar Janina Bocksch & Barcelona-based Oz essayist & cineaste Adrian Martin write about Charles Laughton’s classic noir & chess in “Night of the Hunter: Black is to Move” (in Eng./Span./Croatian). We have two comics: Award winning Little Beirut, Oregon poet & artist Leanne Grabel graces us w/a life of Dorothy Parker for children of all ages, “A Sad Story About a Big Brain: Illustr.” (in Eng./Span./Icelandic/Croatian). Rotterdam-based illustrator Tânia Cardoso collaborated w/ writer Joana Vardona for the comic book “Garandinha”—excerpted (in Eng./Portuguese).  & we have an Indonesian Dragon fr. Japanese artist Midori Oki, & Croatian illustrator Dusan Gacic has a very pictoral “Diary” (in Croat./English). Bestselling Swiss novelist Christoph Keller, who divides his time betw. St. Galen & N.Y.C., offers us 5 Jazz flash fictions inspired by jazz classics & the lives of the musicians who wrote them (“Solo Flight”/“Blood Count”/“New Rhumba”/“My Friend Mindy”/“Sound Seekers”).  Fr. Bowling Green Ohio, Michael Lohr gives us orig. bad boy & eternal rock-‘n’-roller Edgar Allen in “The Ghost of Poe” (in Eng./Icelandic/Finnish/Sp.). Little Beirut writer Davis Slater observes a very very very angry carney in “9 Kinds of Sucker&rdq
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