Thom Burke is everything a scientist shouldn’t be: brash, sophomoric, and reckless. A genius millennial born with a silver spoon; all the potential but none of the drive.  But when his academic project is revoked by a big UCSF donor, Thom throws away his privilege, jeopardizing his career to produce an illegal gene-modifying drug that could change someone’s belief in God . . .  by making them become one. What Thom doesn’t realize is that a version of this drug has already been created – weaponized – and its creators will do everything in their power to suppress its knowledge. Even murder. Now Thom and his team must search for answers in a dangerous world filled with pious hackers, vengeful geneticists and impassioned assassins. Business, Church or State – only by entering the shadow domain of global power will Thom learn the grim truth of who truly controls our civilization. A book that is as terrifyingly real as it is fictitious, God Pharm promises to challenge the reader’s perception of history and humanity, presenting a reality that may not be far from the truth. 
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