Gods Universe in Four Dimensions
Gods Universe in Four Dimensions examines several subjects, such as economics and the cause of the unemployment problem, from a point of view that is a blend of science and philosophy. Author Les Burgesss controversial stances may upset some people, but his belief is that is better to present the truth as he has interpreted than to perpetuate untruths that could lead to misery and destruction. Burgess emphatically supports the Christian faith, and he hopes to convert all potential Christians by explaining how God (and religion) works and why some people believe and others not. He further explores the various ideas and concepts below:•Spherical space-time explained •A globular map of the universe •Distorted view of the universe•Why the universe is everlasting•Complete theory of Einsteins four dimensions•The speed of light and curved space-time•How the cosmic horizon works in four dimensions.•Progression of time and motion•Understanding the Holy Trinity doctrine•The justification of God and the Cross•The complementary state of the logic of nature and God •Metaphysics and miracles•Theory of interaction of culture and religion, but only one God •New economic recovery and control strategy Gods Universe in Four Dimensions offers a solution to every problem. Logic is universal!
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