What do we do when we face a crisis of faith?  When everything we believe is challenged?  When we find our feet on a path facing insurmountable obstacles?  That's when we must discover (or re-discover) God's purpose for our life and learn to live with a mindset of His grace...grace that reveals His glory.That's exactly what happened to the followers of.  Jesus, as they watched Him die, met Him alive on the other side of the grave, and stood looking up into heaven as He returned to His Father.  When difficult times come, we are called to examine what it is that we really believe about Jesus.  And like those first disciples, our own 50-day journey will remind us of the grace that has changed our lives.God planned it before time as we know it began;Jesus came to make it available;and the Spirit becomes our minister of grace as we learn to walk in it.Our hope is to encourage you to live every day so that the glory of God will be proclaimed by the power of grace at work in your life.
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