Grand Phases on the Sun
It was one more defeat in our long and losing battle to keep the Sun perfect, or, if not perfect, constant,and if inconstant, regular. Why we think the Sun should be any of these when other stars are not ismore a question for social than for physical science.John A. (Jack) EddyDelineator of the Maunder MinimumOn the human Idée fi xe as to why the Sun must be seen energetically as a linear entity.Around 1904, Kapteyn noticed that the stars did not move randomly through space, but that theirmovements had preferential directions... there was regularity in something astronomers had alwaysthought to be chaotic.Adriaan Blaauw, emeritus director of the Kapteyn Institute, Groningen, NetherlandsOn Jacob Cornelius Kapteyn’s discovery of star streaming: the concept of galactic rotation and so, proofof some regularity in stellar behavior.
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