Grey Ecology
Here as Virilio states, all one can do is guess. But Virilios position is not one of pure guessery. His extrapolationist position against his delirium state, has the architecture of a 23rd century scientist: three parts - fractal geometry, two parts - theory of general relativity, one part - Philip K. Dick. One must step back and stare down the medusa of progress with a mirror. This is Virilios call for a grey ecology. PAUL VIRILIO is a renowned urbanist, political theorist and critic of the art of technology.Born in Paris in 1932, Virilio is best known for his war model of the growth of the modern city and the evolution of human society. He is also the inventor of the term dromology or the logic of speed. Identified with the phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty, the futurism of Marinetti and technoscientific writings of Einstein, Virilios intellectual outlook can usefully be compared to contemporary architects, philosophers and cultural critics such as Bernard Tschumi, Gilles Deleuze and Jean Baudrillard. Virilio is the author, among other books of Speed and Politics, The Information Bomb, Open Sky, and most recently, The Original Accident.
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