Guarding the Heart
Guarding the Heart: A Guidebook of Contemplative Prayer Practices is designed for people who are on the faith journey and who want to experience more from their prayer life. For many on that journey there is a strong sense of being drawn by the Spirit towards a deeper way to enrich one’s contact with one’s source and to strengthen that relationship. This guidebook will provide some simple and powerful prayer practices to experiment with to continue that deeper descent into the Divine. Each of the prayer practices is designed to be a general starting point for the user to experiment with. If, after trying some of the practices, one resonates with you, I have provided an extensive list of resources where you will find many wonderful books by the experts in the world of prayer and contemplative practices.This guidebook can be used as a personal guide for your prayer life. It can also be used with contemplative prayer groups in a congregation or in prayer gatherings in peoples’ homes. It is also designed to be a resource for spiritual directors in their work with those they are guiding on the faith journey or for students in spiritual direction training.
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