  This is a moving piece of work, and you dont have to be a sports fan to be moved.Raphael Badagliacca, thefrontrowcenter.com  HALFTIME WITH DON is a challenging, thought¬ provoking look at the price paid for our entertainment.Madeline Schulman, The Link  HALFTIME WITH DON is a Timely and Outstanding Theatrical Experience.  The play portrays a serious subject with just the right touches of humor and heart.  This topical story portrays people who deal with some of lifes most critical issues. Yet it shows how hope, love and determination can define and even create a family.  It is a theatrical experience you will truly relish.Marina Kennedy, Broadway World  One of the perks of writing theater reviews is that on rare occasions, one is privileged to watch the birth of a powerful new drama. Such a drama is HALFTIME WITH DON.  Weitzman is a gifted writer.  If you want to see a powerful work of theater...with strong writing...you must...see HALFTIME WITH DON. Allen Neuner, Out in New Jersey  Weitzmans gripping drama that explores the timely topic of concussions suffered by professional football players and the impact on both the injured and their caregivers.  HALFTIME WITH DON isnt just about football. Weitzmans story also reinforces the notion that blood is thicker than water and the importance of human connection.  Aside from Weitzmans superb ear for dialogue and often-deliciously sardonic humor that permeates his script, he has also fashioned a riveting plot line that would be a crime to reveal here. Suffice to say, the story is unpredictable, with its share of moments that are light and funny, juxtaposed with some that are fairly shocking...  ...a script that resonates with humanity and a message that inspires.On the Aisle with Tom Alvarez
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