Hallowed Ground
Book Three of The Guardians SeriesYou scared her away! Ellie accused, and Sean realized she was angry.I nearly broke my bleedin neck, he protested.Couyon! Her voice rose. Youre being ridiculous. I barely caught myself, he insisted. That monster tree of yours almost took me out!This is my home-you need to leave.But I just got here.You werent invited!Which I wont take personally, even though were partners and all.Partners? The disbelief on her face was almost comical. We are not partners!Sure we are. You heard Stuart. In tandem. You know what tandem means, dont you, love?She pointed at the door. Go away, Irishman!McDougal, he corrected. But you can call me Sean. Que diriez-vous je vous appelle un idiot! she snarled, only part of which he understood-idiot translated well enough-and then she closed her eyes and took a deep, ragged breath. Then another. Then she took a careful step back, as if shed suddenly found herself standing at some dangerous, unknown precipice.Dousing the fire, he thought, oddly disappointed. Ive turned my ankle, he continued, just to poke at her. He limped back a step. Ill need to ice it.Her eyes opened. Fell to his booted foot.Might be fractured, he added.You are a strange and frustrating man, she said.Aye, he agreed somewhat apologetically and smiled at her.???After Ellie Broussard saves Sean McDougals son from drowning, she walks away, unwilling to involve herself with the rakish Irishman and his charming boy.  Ellie has suffered a devastating loss, and her world is one of chosen isolation and calculated vengeance.  She has only one focus: to find the monster that stole her child and turn his world to ash.    Sean can relate to Ellies suffering.  Having lost his wife to cancer, his sole focus has become raising his boy, and love...well, love can take a long walk.  Hes in Louisiana to locate a cache of stolen ar
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