Handbook for Cogeneration and Combined Cycle Power Plants
A Handbook for Cogeneration and Combined Cycle Power Plants discusses thedesign, fabrication, installation, operation, and maintenance of combined cyclepower plants. The book has been written to provide an overall view for theexperienced engineer working in a specialized aspect of the subject and for theyoung engineering graduate or undergraduate student who is being exposed tothe field of power plants for the first time. The book has proven to be very useful as a textbook for undergraduate and graduate courses as well as for in-house company training programs related to power generation, and I believe that the new edition will further extend the knowledge of the engineer in this field.The second edition is not only an updating of the technology, which has takengreat leaps forward since the year 2001, but I have also rewritten the introductory chapter to bring the reader new information in the power industry, especially carbon sequestration technology, which will be a topic of great interest in the years to come. The power industry has, in the past 8 years, embraced the combined cycle power plants and, with the new high-efficiency advanced gas turbines, is at the center of this growth segment of the industry. This has led to the rewriting of the following chapters: Chapter 1, An Overview of Power Generation; Chapter 5, Steam Turbines; Chapter 7, Heat Recovery Steam Generators; and Chapter 8, Condensers and Cooling Towers.A new chapter has been introduced, Chapter 15, Case Histories of ProblemsEncountered in Cogeneration and Combined Cycle Power Plants. This is anextensive treatise on the many problems associated with the combined cyclepower plants and some of the solutions that have achieved higher efficienciesand reliability. This chapter explains in depth the problems encountered and with 145 figures fully illustrates the many failures encountered in cogeneration and combined cycle power plant applications.This book has been used extensively
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