Heather Robinsons Selected Works
About the AuthorHeather Robinson is now 22, a gym instructor working in London. She has been involved in fundraising, sports events and mental health documentaries trying to create awareness about the mis-diagnosis currently in the NHS. Originally from Leeds she developed anorexia nervosa as a secondary illness to OCD. The conditions worked hand in hand for six years until finally she worked out her own strategies to repair the mental and physical damage done. She writes, is a keen poet, loves music, dance, sport, running, clubbing, outdoor pursuits and socialising. One day she hopes to open a sports clinic for addictions.Book Extract RUNNING IN THE RAINStarting light which cools my skin. My clothes now tight that soothe within.Seeming hydrated, energy inflated,Faster rhythm the pure has created.Dripping, soaked, sodden but pure,Health in my skin much improved Im sure.The big smoke is no equal matchto natures promise of an oasis and fresh catch.Rain clears the tears which havebuilt up over the years.Satisfied, my head is empty,Running in the rain, do it, be free.PARANOIAZombie nation, my creation.Demons await me at the station.Eyes are wide, heading my way,Buzzing, fuzzing, but not hearing what they say.Turn around, running silent,tongues are bitter and expressions violent.Is it the smoke?Was it the pills?Speed, weed and even chemicalAll left me with very little thrill.This is now, but do you know what hurts?Knowing about the greener grass and not being able to reverse.2.4 children, mortgage and paid leave;why am I not in that world? Why did I deceive?
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