Holistic Business - Living in 3D
Holistic Business by Richard Mott is an introduction to a new way of planning and running a business. This book introduces the concept of engaging three centres – head, heart and hara (or gut) – to help business leaders be more successful. Richard explains the theory very clearly and backs it up with real life examples, including his own experience of running a company and turning it around when time were tough.The head is linear, rational and is the main centre used in planning. The heart is lateral, emotional and is the main centre used with people. The hara is vertical, intuitional and is the main centre used for group purpose, energetics and momentum. In the book, Richard explains in detail how to work holistically at three levels. The first level is called Big Picture and covers ambition, dream and purpose. The second level is called Definition and covers proposition, talent and values. The third level is called Going Live and covers goals, roles and community.
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