How To Analyze People
Do you know what Analyzing People is?Do you want to know how to analyze people?Some people have become so adept at lying and covering their tracks that its hard to distinguish when they may be lying right to your face. When you do realize theyve deceived you, and done it so artfully at that, you feel betrayed. Possibly even foolish, kicking yourself as that thought why didnt I see this all along? keeps lingering on your mind. Could you have prevented yourself from being lied to or taken advantage of? Could you have protected yourself from those feelings of hurt and betrayal? You could if you knew how to read their body language that is. The ability to read and analyze another persons true intentions, determine their personality and find out what theyre really thinking based on their body language is a truly remarkable skill to have.  Your words may be adept at telling a lie, but the body is not. Try as hard as you might, you can never get your body to execute a lie perfectly enough. There is something that is always going to give away your true intentions.  Within the first 30-seconds after you meet someone, a first impression is formed. Sometimes a first impression is formed even before theyve had a chance to shake your hand based on your general observations about their facial expressions, mannerisms, and the way that they carry themselves. Everything that you noticed at first is a little clue as to who they might be, all of which help to shape your perception about them.  All of us are constantly emitting silent signals with our bodies, and for those already adept at knowing what to look for, these signals are more apparent than ever. What message is that stranger next to you trying to convey? Are they standing up tall? Hunched over? Slouching? Are their arms crossed over their chest? Frowning? Smiling? Fidgeting? These clues are crucial indicators to watch out for when youre trying to decipher body language.  Bein
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