How to Be Salt and Light
A Christian's Guide To Voting"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the people groan." Ps. 29:2 It's time for the people of God to let their voices be heard at the voting booth - and Liz Joy's new book, "How to be Salt and Light: The Christian’s Guide to Voting" is a must read before you cast your votes! (or go to the polls)”Wendy Griffith, 700 Club Co-HostDoes the Bible say anything about voting?How is a Christian supposed to vote?How do I choose a candidate if none of them act like Christians?Salt and light changes everything it touches. The deepest blackness cannot blot out the light, it enhances it. Salt makes you want to savor the goodness. It preserves that which would have rotted without it. That’s how Jesus called us to impact our culture.    You can answer this call by representing the Kingdom of God in all elections. Liz Joy will show you how you can follow God’s heart amid the rhetoric of men.
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