How to Influence People
Do you understand how to read people?  Can you glance at someone and know exactly what it is that they are thinking without having to think too much about it? Can you study someones behavior and know how you can influence them?Analyze means to study or examine something carefully in a methodical way.In trying to understand people better, it is important to be able to understand personality type and current emotional state. Just knowing what a persons mood is currently is enough to help you pick up cues that will help your conversation flow better. That means you will be consistently and constantly one step ahead in the conversation. That means you can spot even narcissistic traits a mile away. It means you can spot holes when someone is trying to hoodwink you.It is not enough to just speak; you also need to be able to understand what people say to you and even what they have left unsaid. It is not enough to converse with the people around you; it is better if you can actually understand them and the motivation that drives them at that point. That is the greatest gift you can give yourself in social gatherings.Learn to understand body language. Allow your conversations to go beyond just the verbal aspect; there are so many more dimensions to communication. Allow yourself the best chance of having fruitful conversations by joining the less than one percent of people who truly understand body language. Begin to hear not just the words directed at you but the body language behind them.Analyzing people, the right way will save you a ton of trouble, help you communicate better, and keep you one step ahead in your conversations!This book gives a comprehensive guide on the following:Interacting with each personality typeReading body languageHow to analyze those around youReading people through their handwritingSteps to increase your influenceThe art of influence and persuasion?Why social skills are inside to all of usYour mind and the way you communicateDestroy perce
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