How To Respond At The Crossroad
You may already be familiar with the statistic that 40 to 50 percent of marriages in the United States ?end in divorce. According to ?Kimberly ?Bracewell-Thorpe, this statistic does not have to be so high. ?At some point in their married lives, all couples experience what Bracewell-Thorpe calls a “crossroad”—a juncture at which a decision needs to be made about how to move forward with the relationship, whether that be staying together or separating.? Far too many couples are quick to give up and call it quits when they reach a crossroad moment in their relationships. While there are certainly cases where ending the relationship is the right thing to do, this does not have to be your only option.?  In ?How to Respond at the Crossroad, Bracewell-Thorpe challenges you to fight for your relationship and strengthen your relationship with your spouse through strengthening your relationship with yourself and with God. When your relationship with God is solid, no crossroad is too great to overcome.?
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