In all of history, there is one individual who has attracted more attention than any other. His name is Jesus. He is the central figure of Christianity, no matter what denominational ties a person has. All of Christendom recognizes Jesus as the Son of God and the Savior of the world. And while there may be some disagreements about all of the details concerning him, he is held in high regard by people of almost every faith. But who is Jesus? The answer to this question depends on who you ask. In the Bible, to some he was a healer, a deliverer, a great teacher, and a miracle worker. To others, he was a glutton, a drunkard, and a blasphemer. To Mary, he was her son. To the Pharisees, he posed a threat to their leadership and was worthy of death; however, to Lazarus, he was the giver of life. To the Old Testament prophets, he was the Messiah that they wrote would one day come. To the Apostle Paul, he was the one who could save the worst of sinners. In the first three gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke record a conversation that Jesus had with his disciples. He asked them who the people say that he is. There were several suggestions - John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah or one of the prophets who had come back to life. Jesus then asked them who they think he is, and Peter replied that he is the Messiah, the Son of God. This account is not found in Johns gospel. John has a different focus in his writing. He identifies who Jesus is by using the very words of Jesus. In this book, we will take a look at the claims made by Jesus, concerning who he truly is. The statements made by Jesus in the Gospel of John and in the Book of Revelation give us a glimpse into the reality of who Jesus really is...in his own words. Jesus said, I am...the Bread of Life...the Light of the World...before Abraham...the Gate...the Good Shepherd...the Son of God...the Resurrection and the Life...the Way and the Truth and the Life...the True Vine...the Alpha and the Omega...the
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