In Search of Safe Brave Spaces
In this visionary book, Greg Smith draws on a lifetime of experience as an executive, coach, business consultant, and volunteer to explore a new and exciting approach to personal and professional development-what he calls the gift of Safe Brave Spaces. We are able to best reach our full potential when we are given room both to be safe and to be brave-a truth that applies not only to individuals but to one-on-one relationships and to larger communities and organizations. The creation of Safe Brave Spaces leads to the discovery and release of individual and collective potential, allowing us to more fully connect with others as well as to better understand our gifts and talents and align them with our overarching goals in life. The author breaks down the journey toward establishing Safe Brave Spaces into four key elements: Knowing, Growing, Letting Go, and Showing Up. Readers are first guided through a series of steps to help them more effectively Know and Grow ME, cultivating their innate talents and abilities and also learning when it is necessary to Let Go of impediments in order to Show Up as ones truest, fullest self. Later, these same techniques and lessons are applied to one-on-one relationships (Knowing and Growing YOU & ME) and, finally, to broader communities (Knowing and Growing WE). In the end, the creation and cultivation of Safe Brave Spaces represents not a destination but a journey-a journey characterized by energy, passion, engagement, and love. Greg Smith is the ideal guide for that journey, setting a challenge that, if embraced, will lead not simply to greater professional and workplace success, but to enhanced meaning in all the manifold dimensions of human life.
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