India Ablaze
A fire is coming to India-a great conflagration that will sweep through the land from its ocean shores to its Himalayan heights. It will not be a physical, burning fire that leaves ashes, death and destruction in its wake, but a fire that brings life-Holy Spirit fire; the fire of revival. The catalyst that will set all India Ablaze will be a revelation of the Lamb: Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God who, on the cross of Calvary, drank to the dregs the full cup of HisFathers wrath, thus taking away the sin of the world. We must not wander from this simple, fundamental message of the cross of Christ and the Fathers cup of wrath poured out on His Son for the sins of all people, including all Indians. The Spirit of God has already begun to breathe new life into the Indian church with this revelation of the Lamb. Dr. Sandy Kirk has been teaching this message for years and has witnessed firsthand its life-changing, nation transforming power. Jump into the fire! Let the revelation of the Lamb transform your heart and make you a Revivalist of the Lamb- for all of India!
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