Inspiration from Brussels? the European Union and Sport
The name Brussels has become largely synonymous with the regulatory role of the EU. Yet Brussels is also a source of inspiration, especially in such areas where the EU is not empowered to regulate, and this side of Brussels is a rather different one. The emerging policy field of sport (which only recently got a legal base in the Treaty of Lisbon) illustrates the complementarity of inspiration versus regulation coming from Brussels. By drawing on two case studies - the fight against doping and the promotion of health-enhancing physical activity - the book shows that inspiration from Brussels takes on a special dimension in relation to sport and physical activity because sport policies are often heavily dependent on various, largely unquestioned arrangements which are in place at national, regional or local level. While EU-level regulation remains a possibility in certain cases, the scope for regulation is very limited. The scope for inspiration, by contrast, is almost endless. The sport sector is a natural candidate for inspiration and inspiration from Brussels can be an opportunity for renewal.
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